Search the PLIWatch.org database of lenders
A listing of lenders will appear below after you make your choices and click "Find a Lender."
Information about the PLIWatch.org database
How does a lender get into your database?
PLIWatch.org finds payday loan, cash advance, and debt consolidation lenders as it performs its other duties. (We also perform special, detailed reviews of lenders.) We add lenders to the PLIWatch.org database only when they meet our standards for "trustedness," based on the information they disclose. By the way, we are quick to remove lenders if they fail to meet the original specifications that got them into the PLIWatch.org database in the first place--or if we receive a number of verifiable complaints from consumers.
I have a lender I want to recommend for your database.
Or . . . .
I want to complain about a lender I found in your database.
Please contact us by E-mail and describe in detail why you want to recommend or complain about the lender. Please also include your contact information so we can follow up with you. Anonymous recommendations or complaints will be ignored--make sure you provide your E-mail address and a telephone number where you would prefer to be reached. All recommendations or complaints are handled in strict confidence unless you authorize us to share your information.