Interview with Bill McCloskey - Email Data Source President and CEO
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E-mail is a major source of leads and new customers for the online payday loan industry--and a constant source of headaches as payday lenders are always asking the questions: "Are these leads the best I can get?" And, "What can we do better--are we working with the right people?"
Joining us from Manhattan for this podcast was Bill McCloskey, a knowledge-area expert on E-mail analytics. We asked Bill a series of questions about the E-mail marketspace, including why analytics are important to the payday lender and why analytics are good for the consumer. Bill kindly obliged, covering issues ranging from detecting affiliate E-mail marketers' behaviors to trends in the payday loan E-mail marketspace.
Bill McCloskey, President and CEO, Email Data Source. From the Email Data Source Website: "Bill is among the more influential thought leaders in the field of interactive marketing. He was named one of online advertising's 50 most influential people by Media Magazine in 2004 and one of the 100 people to know by B2B Magazine in 2003. Since 2003, Mr. McCloskey has authored a weekly column called The Email Insider that is read by more than 40,000 marketers worldwide. He frequently speaks at major trade conferences around the world and is jurist for some of the top email campaign and creative awards at these and other events. Prior to Email Data Source, Mr. McCloskey founded and ran Emerging Interest, the leading evaluator of online advertising technologies for advertising agencies and marketers as well as The Rich Media SIG, a non-profit organization dedicated to educating agencies and marketers on emerging marketing technologies. As Director of Business Development at Comet Systems, Mr. McCloskey led the team that developed the business model and relationships around their contextual advertising products. He ran the online advertising division of InterVu and was technology evangelist for Silicon Graphics where he forged relationships between Cosmo Software, a division of SGI, and companies such as AOL."
Email Analyst, tool and service offered by Email Data Source. From the Email Data Source Website: "Email Analyst(tm) is the world's first and only comprehensive email intelligence platform -- a powerful, affordable, must-have tool for any Brand or Direct Marketer, Advertising Agency, Publisher, Affiliate Manager, Email Service Provider, or List Owner. Email Analyst enables you to monitor competitive email offers, see which offers were the most effective in driving traffic to the offer page, monitor affiliate email networks, and find and research new 3rd party lists. Agencies use Email Analyst for new business pitches. Direct marketers use it for sales leads. Everyone uses it to increase the ROI of their email marketing. With Email Analyst, email marketers can accurately monitor their affiliate offers for compliance issues which might destroy brand equity or lead to ISP blacklisting or lawsuits. They can search and view the creative of nearly 1,000,000 email marketing messages going as far back as 2003. They can also perform a keyword search of any subject line or body text. With Email Analyst marketers can get the full picture of the email marketing universe."
You can visit Email Data Source at: www.emaildatasource.com.
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