Interview with Pete Kowenhoven - Special Agent, FBI
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As we analyzed payday loan industry news we found that almost nineteen percent of articles we've read since May contained references to "loan sharking," "legal loan sharking," and "legalized loan sharking." Every time the comparison came up, we would find ourselves asking the question: "Are payday lenders really loan sharks?" We started to wonder: "Do the people using this label know what loan sharking is about?" Because we didn't.
To learn more, we interviewed Special Agent Pete Kowenhoven to understand how loan sharking really works, who loan sharks are, and what the loan shark culture is like.
About Special Agent Kowenhoven - Special Agent Kowenhoven is Acting Organized Crime Supervisor of the Philadelphia Division of the FBI. A graduate of the United States Naval Academy, he served ten years in the United States Navy prior to entering the FBI Academy. He has served with the FBI for nine years, primarily investigating organized crime groups with a emphasis on Eurasian (i.e., Russian) criminal enterprises. He is assigned to the Philadelphia Division of the FBI, the eighth largest FBI field office in the United States. Agent Kowenhoven's Organized Crime Squad is tasked with disrupting and dismantling La Cosa Nostra (LCN), Eurasian, Asian, and Middle Eastern criminal enterprises, as well as organizations involved in labor racketeering, through sustained investigative efforts utilizing sophisticated techniques and the RICO statute.
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