Five Short Affiliate Marketing Company Interviews
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PLIWatch attended the Affiliate Summit 2006 East tradeshow as press on June 10th and 11th, 2006, in Orlando, Florida.
Representing PLIWatch, Will Stotler interviewed five companies on the tradeshow floor. He also spoke off the record with scores of industry professionals about the affiliate marketing industry and its connection to the on-line payday loan industry.
Each on-the-record interviewee spoke about his or her company's positioning in the affiliate marketspace and how they serve their clients in general. Then, he or she answered related questions about how the payday loan and cash advance industries use this marketspace to get customers and leads.
The following industry professionals were interviewed on the tradeshow floor:
Kristopher B. Jones, President and CEO - pepperjamSEARCH, Affiliate Marketer
Laura Cruz, Team Affiliate Manager - CPA Empire, Affiliate Network
Monte Cahn, Founder and CEO - Moniker.com, Domain Name Specialist
Jackie Bates, Web Marketing Director - LinkConnector, Affiliate Network
Chris Graham, National Sales Manager - Email Data Source, Inc., Competitive E-mail Analytics Provider
We would like to thank Missy Ward and Shawn Collins, tradeshow organizers and founders, for providing open access to this event for PLIWatch. In this podcast we worked to capture the "atmosphere" of the tradeshow rather than strictly report an inventory of details as we thought this to be more valuable. For details about this series of tradeshows (including formal agendas, photos, and more) please visit Missy and Shawn's Affiliate Summit Information Page.
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